Certain situations can lead a property investor to change property management firms. These commonly include:
In the Dark?

Monthly reports do not appear on a regular and timely basis, leaving property investors in the dark. In addition, original work bills are not forwarded, along with invaluable workmen’s original comments regarding possible future repairs.
Call Brittain Commercial for a free sample monthly report. See how easy it should be to keep on top of your investment.
Who Wields the Hammer?
Maintenance performed by unqualified in-house staff leaves the property investor vulnerable when work is done incorrectly or leads to other damage. A property management company should analyze bills, fight for lower repair costs and work to reduce property service calls.
Call Brittain Commercial for service plan information. Learn how the use of qualified professionals can lower expenses.
What about bad tenants?
How many do you have? Proper resident screening results in tenants who take care of their homes, leading to strong cash flow. Strict enforcement of policies eliminates nuisance tenants that cause good tenants to leave.
Call Brittain Commercial about its comprehensive tenant screening services.
What will the market bear?
Do you receive regular market surveys from your property management firm to confirm your rent levels are in line with today’s competitive market?
Call Brittain Commercial to find out about current market rents.

Your advocate!
A good property management firm legislation to ensure that you and your property are in compliance with the law.
Brittain Commercial keeps abreast of these changes that impact the property investor. Contact our firm for free up-to-date information about the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and its application to landlords.
“ We turned to Brittain Commercial because we had problems with previous firms. Brittain put in the time and attention where it mattered. Today my property is in good shape, almost fully rented and to good tenants who pay their rent on time, and turn-over is down.“